P.O. Box 21272
Cleveland, Ohio 44121 USA
(216) 381-8531  FAX: (216) 381-7854
A Veteran Owned Company

Click our logo to learn more about INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE

ANILINE ENVIRONMENTAL, P.O. Box 21272, Cleveland, Ohio 44121 USA (216) 381-8531  FAX: (216) 381-7854

ANILINE ENVIRONMENTAL is a provider of unique and effective occupational health, safety, and environmental services and technologies for businesses and consumers.

We have been in business since 1988, when we started to provide our clients, in Cleveland, Ohio, the same level and depth of services as an in-house corporate safety and environmental department. This is important given the contribution of small businesses to the economy and the growing body of OSHA and EPA rules which they must comply with. We have also been consultants to attorneys, government, and social service agencies in our areas of expertise.

In addition to the occupational health and environmental compliance services we provide our industrial and commercial business clients we publish books on a variety of relevant safety and environmental topics. We also search out the world to bring our customers the latest innovations in environmental technology.

You can also view our client newsletter or technical reports on the environment and new technologies. Select here if you want to find out what our logo stands for.

Click our logo to learn more about INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. 


Code of Ethics for the Practice of Industrial Hygiene

The ANILINE ENVIRONMENTAL logo consists of the image of the ancient Egyptian god Thoth representing the transmission of knowledge within the midst of four papyrus columns representing the four pillars of industrial hygiene. You only see two columns since the ancient Egyptians had not discovered the use of perspective and represented such objects as being one directly behind the other. If we look "above" the logo, as in the drawing below, we can see the four pillars:

An Egyptian ibis is similar to a North American Heron.

The ancient Egyptians worshiped Thoth as the deity of time, the moon, writing science and medicine. He had the body of a man and the head of an Ibis an Egyptian wading bird related to the Heron. He was the secretary to the other ancient Egyptian deities. The ancients believed he invented alchemy and magic, and gave man the gift of fire. Some 42 ancient books were said to be written by Thoth, and that he inspired many other books written by men on the subjects of natural science, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine.

It is known to history that the ancient Egyptian had a keen knowledge of medicine and toxicology. They practiced successful brain surgery and identified the symptom of lead poisoning in lead miners and bronze workers.


The four pillars of industrial hygiene are:

  1. Recognition of the hazard to health and safety,
  2. Provide people with knowledge so they may protect themselves,
  3. Provide the means to protect the people,
  4. Institute the procedures necessary to protect the environment.

Our logo represents our commitment to bring state-of-the-art technology and quality to those we serve. Further ANILINE ENVIRONMENTAL ascribes to the following code of ethics as adopted by the American Industrial Hygiene Association:

Code of Ethics for the Practice of Industrial Hygiene


These canons provide standards of ethical conduct for Industrial Hygienists as they practice their profession and exercise their primary mission, to protect the health and well being of working people and the public from chemical, microbiological, and physical health hazards present at, or emanating from, the workplace.

Canons of Ethical Conduct

Industrial Hygienists shall:

  1. Practice their profession following recognized scientific principals with the realization that the lives, health, and well-being of people may depend upon their professional judgment and that they are obligated to protect the health and well-being of people.
  2. Counsel affected parties factually regarding potential health risks and precautions necessary to avoid adverse health effects.
  3. Keep confidential personal and business information obtained during the exercise of industrial hygiene activities, except when required by law or overriding health and safety considerations.
  4. Avoid circumstances where a compromise of professional judgment or conflict of interest may arise.
  5. Perform services only in the areas of their competence.
  6. Act responsibly to uphold the integrity of the profession.


This page, and all contents, are Copyright © 1996, 2000, 2002 & 2008 by ANILINE ENVIRONMENTAL, Cleveland, Ohio USA.
